Birth date: October 28, 1955
Education: Public elementary school. Entered private Lakeside School at age 12. Dropped out of Harvard Univ ersity junior year.
Little known fact: His family called him "Trey," in reference to the III after his name.
Hobbies: Bridge, golf, reading, philanthropy.
Claim to fame: Leader of the computing software's industry.
Net worth: Bill's all-time high net worth is $88.82 Billion. Visit Bill Gates Net Worth Page.
Preferred foods: Cherry Coke and spray cheese
Annoying traits: Compulsive rocking, glasses that won't stay perched on bridge of his nose.
Family: wife, Melinda; daughter, Jennifer, born 1996; son, Rory, born 1999.
Bill Gates Wealth index
- earns approx 6 Billion Dollars in a year or
- earns approx 500 Million Dollars in a month or
- earns approx 16,660,000 Dollars in a day or
- earns approx 14614 Dollars a minute or
- earns approx 243 Dollars a second.
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